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Tenable Is Cited As A Leader in Vulnerability Risk Management by Independent Research Firm

The company is top-ranked in strategy and current offering.

Tenable was among 13 select companies invited by Forrester to participate in its October 17, 2019, Forrester Wave™ evaluation, Vulnerability Risk Management, Q4 2019. In this evaluation, Tenable was cited as a Leader in Vulnerability Risk Management (VRM).

The report evaluates solutions that help customers prioritize remediation efforts based on criteria including asset criticality, vulnerability severity and risk-based prioritization, among others. Tenable received the highest scores among all 13 vendors in the current offering category and in the strategy category and was among the top-ranked in the market presence category. In addition, we received the highest score (5.0) in 10 of the 14 evaluation criteria.

Among the report’s findings:

  • Tenable executes on its vision to build the single-source-of-truth platform for VRM. 
  • Part of Tenable’s strong strategy relies on translating data to provide business insight to provide prioritization.
  • Its Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) technology surpasses standard CVSS scores as a way to dynamically prioritize risk within an environment. 
  • Their reporting capabilities allow you to break out by line of business and trend over time, in addition to the ability to compare your security posture to your industry and population. 

The Forrester Wave™: Vulnerability Risk Management, Q4 2019, evaluated vendors in three high-level categories: 

  • Current offering - Tenable had the highest score possible across five criteria used in this category, including vulnerability enumeration, asset criticality, vulnerability severity, risk-based prioritization and metrics and reporting. 
  • Strategy - We received the top scores possible in this category in the product vision, execution roadmap and commercial model criteria.
  • Market presence - Tenable received the highest score possible in the criteria used in this category, which includes the number of clients and product revenue.

We believe Tenable’s ranking among VRM vendors demonstrates the value of our platform and reinforces our vision of providing organizations with a cybersecurity system of record to help manage and measure cyber risk. 

Our customers agree. In a recent blog post about how his organization uses Tenable, Sentara Healthcare’s CISO Dan Bowden notes: “In the climate today, there's so much focus from society about companies doing better managing risk, every leadership team and every board in every organization wants to be part of the story of fixing the problem. If you can give them good data about exposure, which things do we really need to do, they understand the data, they can relate to the data. They want to be part of the story to help you solve the problem and manage risk better.”

Indeed, our customers tell us that risk-based prioritization is important not only in helping practitioners determine which vulnerabilities to fix first, but also in communicating with business-side colleagues. For example, according to a recent blog post, Emerson uses Tenable.io to provide context for cybersecurity conversations throughout the organization, including in the executive suite. “It's important for them to see trending...and it's important for them to see results,” said Jon Brown,  the company’s Manager of Application and Product Security Testing. “They need to be able to understand where [you’re] at and where you're going and why you are going there.”

This designation as a Leader in the Q4 2019 Vulnerability Risk Management Forrester Wave adds to our growing list of awards and distinctions. Tenable.io was recognized as the Best Vulnerability Management Solution at the 2019 SC Awards. We released our groundbreaking Predictive Prioritization capabilities in Tenable.io and Tenable.sc earlier this year, and we are extending Tenable Lumin to support Tenable.sc by the end of 2019 as the result of explosive demand. As the Forrester report notes, “On its roadmap, Tenable has outlined plans to make improvements to its core VM product, its cyber exposure analytics product, Lumin, and its partner ecosystem. Tenable is a great choice for enterprises looking for a VRM vendor that provides strong prioritization and reporting across device types.”

Learn more:

  • Download The Forrester Wave™: Vulnerability Risk Management, Q4 2019 here.

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