Nessus - The Swiss Army Knife of Vulnerability Scanning
by Paul Asadoorian on August 16, 2012
Useful Tools
Nessus has provided organizations with a wide variety of techniques for identifying vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure. The foundation has long been proven, as Nessus will accurately identify vulnerabilities across the network, using credentials to gather patch level and other information, and assist with system hardening by performing compliance checks.
However, in recent years there have been significant improvements made to both the Nessus scanning engine and its feature set. Of course, over time Nessus has been able to consistently shave the time it takes to remotely scan systems and networks. In addition, Nessus has added support for threading and 64-bit platforms, and improved memory management. Alongside the continuous stream of performance improvements, we've introduced many new tools for the end user.
View the top 5 major new tools, in no particular order, that are now included with Nessus and SecurityCenter.