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Webinaire à la demande

Trois manières d'améliorer la sécurité des applications web : Enseignements tirés de la Formule 1


Inspired by the most successful F1 teams, taking steps to ensure your web apps are properly secured is key for achieving competitive advantage and business success.

The growing number of web apps and websites your enterprise relies on for mission-critical functions has greatly increased the complexity, effort and cost of effectively assessing and protecting those assets.

To help you overcome this challenge, join Tenable experts for an on-demand webinar exploring three ideas inspired by successful Formula 1 racing teams.

Topics covered will include:

  • Gaining complete visibility to maximize scan coverage for both known and unknown vulnerabilities
  • Using automation to boost efficiency and effectiveness
  • Shifting left to expose vulns earlier in the SDLC, reducing potential downtime, complexity and cost

Public ciblé
IT, infosec and appsec professionals seeking best practices and guidance for increasing the efficiency and impact of their web app security efforts.

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Photo of Cindy Chen, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Tenable

Cindy Chen

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Tenable

Photo of William Palm, Senior Security Engineer, Tenable

William Palm

Senior Security Engineer, Tenable

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