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The Rise of the Business-Aligned Security Executive


Six out of 10 business execs report security leaders are, at best, only somewhat effective in communicating the risk cyber threats pose. What’s the disconnect?

When business execs ask, "How secure are we?," answering that question is often not as easy as it might seem.

To better understand why, check out this on-demand webinar exploring the findings from a Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Tenable, "The Rise of the Business-Aligned Security Executive.“

Based on a survey of 416 security executives and 425 business managers across 10 countries, the study explores and recommends ways security leaders can overcome the challenge of integrating cybersecurity and business strategy. The webinar covers the following topics:


  • Survey methodology, key findings and takeaways
  • Learn where security leaders are struggling the most and where they see obstacles in becoming more business aligned
  • Practical and proven approaches for aligning cybersecurity initiatives with business objectives

Public ciblé
Security and IT professionals responsible for delivering highly effective cybersecurity programs who want to assess and optimize their alignment with business counterparts.

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Photo of Adam Palmer, Chief Security Strategist, Tenable

Adam Palmer

Chief Security Strategist, Tenable

Photo de Kevin Flynn, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Tenable

Kevin Flynn

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Tenable

Photo of Nathan Wenzler, Senior Principal Security Advocate, Tenable

Nathan Wenzler

Chief Security Strategist, Tenable, Tenable

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