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Webinaire à la demande

Actualité Nessus pour les clients, juillet 2022


Learn how you can improve vulnerability management efficiency and effectiveness with Nessus.

All Nessus customers are welcome and encouraged to join us for this on-demand webinar covering:

  • What's new and what's coming soon in Nessus Professional
  • How-to: The Nessus-Terrascan integration. Les conséquences, pourquoi c'est important, comment l'utiliser.

Public ciblé
Current Nessus users, as well as all IT and infosec professionals interested in improving the efficiency, performance and impact of vulnerability assessment efforts.

Inscrivez-vous et visionnez dès maintenant le webinaire.


Photo of Cesar Rodriguez, Director, Engineer, Tenable

Cesar Rodriguez

Director, Engineering, Tenable

Photo of Scott Mohnkern,  Senior Services Architect II, Tenable

Scott Mohnkern

Senior Services Architect II, Tenable

Photo of Scott Shreve, Principal Product Manager, Tenable

Scott Shreve

Principal Product Manager, Tenable

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