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Webinaire à la demande

Protecting your remote workforce (APAC)

Why scanning at home is so important


The outbreak of the COVID – 19 pandemic has transformed our work culture. To adapt to this changing scenario and ensure business continuity, organisations must effectively secure a large number of telecommuting co-workers. It is the new norm, and will be essential even after lockdowns are lifted.

The webinar will deep-dive into topics such as:

  • Fresh insights from NIST on the latest threats, and exploits associated with the coronavirus
  • Approches efficaces pour assurer une couverture de scans complète des télétravailleurs et des appareils distants
  • Stratégies de priorisation visant à optimiser les efforts et leur impact

Access our remote workforce resources, best practices and latest research.


Deepu James

Senior Security Consultant - South East Asia, Tenable

Dick Bussiere,  Technical Head of Operational Technology: APJ, Tenable

Dick Bussiere

Principal OT Security Engineer, Tenable

Photo of Henry Ong, Security Engineering Manager, Tenable

Henry Ong

Responsable Ingénieur en sécurité, Tenable

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