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Introducing the Nessus Perimeter Service : redefining the cost of online scanning

Have you ever wanted to run an external Nessus vulnerability audit of your DMZ but didn’t have access to a Nessus scanner located on the outside of your network? Tenable Network Security now offers the Nessus Perimeter Service, offering unrestricted and unlimited vulnerability scans through annual and thirty day subscriptions. 

Scan any number of Internet facing sites you are authorized to scan from your desktop computer, mobile laptop, iPhone, customer network or wherever is convenient, as often as you want, all for a flat fee. And best of all – if you are a Nessus user, you already know how to use our service. Subscribers of the Nessus Perimeter Service are logged into the Nessus scanners hosted in Tenable’s secure datacenter. 

The Nessus Perimeter Service supports all of the major features of Nessus including:

  • Rapid and Accurate Discovery of Systems and Vulnerabilities
  • Vulnerability Scan Scheduling
  • Support for the Nessus iPhone App
  • Preparing for PCI-DSS Vulnerability Audits
  • In-depth Web Application Scanning
  • Highlighting vulnerabilities which have public exploits
  • Patch and Configuration Auditing for web servers and many other devices
  • Executive, Detailed and Differential reports
  • Sharing results with Tenable’s SecurityCenter and 3rd party SIEM and GRC solutions 

Pricing for the annual and thirty day subscriptions to the Nessus Perimeter Service set a new benchmark for value in the managed scanning industry:


1 Year 
Nessus Perimeter Service Subscription
Unlimited Scans 


30 Day 
Nessus Perimeter Service Subscription
Unlimited Scans 

Both services can be purchased on Tenable’s Online store

The service includes access for one user account to perform scans and analyze results. Access to Tenable’s ticketing system for world-wide Nessus support is also available 24x7. The Nessus Perimeter Service also makes use of the very latest Nessus plugins developed by Tenable’s world renowned Research team. 

To learn more about this offering, please contact our sales staff, read the Nessus Perimeter Service FAQ or watch this introductory video. If you would like to run Nessus on your own hardware, commercial organizations should consider the Nessus ProfessionalFeed. If you are a large organization and are considering SIEM or GRC solutions, you should also consider the Tenable SecurityCenter






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